Onco.com helps cancer patient avoid Covid related delays at hospitals

by Team Onco

Cancer patients seek help with managing their cancer journey during the pandemic, as some unforeseen problems develop.

Any caregiver to a cancer patient will tell you that they have faced at least one situation where they had no idea what to do. From finding the right oncologist, to booking scan appointments during a pandemic, the path through cancer treatment is like a hurdle race with unexpected twists and turns laid out for you.

cancer care

This is what ovarian cancer patient Mayura Devi’s family found out when they travelled four and half hours from their home in Ambedkarnagar to a hospital in Lucknow for her surgery. They reached the hospital at 8:30pm, only to be told that they will not receive admission without a negative COVID-19 report. Their doctor’s assistant had forgotten to mention this details in advance. 

Change of plans

The COVID report could not be prepared before the next morning. Mayura Davi’s family had no place they could safely accommodate her for the night. Despite repeated requests the hospital refused to admit a patient without the required report. What ensued was utter confusion, with tempers flaring on both sides. 

Fortunately for Mayura Devi’s family, they had heard of Onco.com already. They made a timely call to one of our care managers. Coordinating with the top management of the hospital at that late hour, the team managed to secure an isolated observation room for the patient where she could repose till the COVID report was prepared.

The patient and her family were happy with the outcome. The hospital was happy that the issue was now resolved to their satisfaction. 

Within hours, a swab was collected from the patient. The resultant COVID report was negative and then the patient was admitted for the surgery. Sometimes it is the smallest, most unexpected hiccup that can upset the entire process and cause avoidable stress for everyone involved. 

cancer care

Money Matters

Another case in point is that of 53 year old Manoj Prasad of Delhi. His son was a government employee with the benefits of ESIC (Employees State Insurance Card). Half way through his liver cancer treatment, his son changed his job and was now working in the private sector. 

This would automatically mean that he lost all the ESIC benefits and would now have to find the resources for his treatment. He found himself in a difficult situation. He contacted Onco.com to see if there was a solution. 

Our care manager found three different hospitals, one of which was willing to charge him at the same ESIC rate as he was paying before. They also found a hospital that would charge him lower than any of the options he had previously known.

Manoj Prasad was amazed at the new charges of about 17,000 INR per chemo cycle. He immediately decided to go with this option. 

Manoj Prasad has begun his treatment this week and joins our large network of patients who have found unexpected solutions to their cancer problems. 

The New Normal in Cancer Care

Oncologists and other healthcare professionals the world over are strongly recommending that cancer patients and everyone else minimise their contact with others during this time. Waiting outside OPD consultation rooms, visiting diagnostic centres to check for availability of appointments, and numerous visits to hospitals were considered normal before, but are causes for concern in the present environment. 

The need for online solutions from consultation, to diagnostics is answered by Onco.com’s network of over 1500 oncologists and over 500 treatment facilities across India. An expert panel of renowned oncologists provides opinions on the best course of treatment for your condition. 

Apart from that, everyday queries like nutrition and side-effects are also answered by care managers who handhold you through your entire treatment. 

As Manoj Prasad found out, an expert can bring you information and resources that you would not otherwise find. When it comes to something as complex as cancer treatment, an expert can be the difference between success and failure. 

Remember, if you or anyone you know is suffering from cancer, Onco.com is the best chance for them to fight cancer.

*names changed to protect the identity of the patients and their families

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