Onco.com Salutes The Spirit Of Women Fighting Cancer – 50% Off For All Female Cancer Patients!

by Team Onco

As the world prepares to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018 – We at Onco.com are pleased to offer a 50% discount on all Cancer Consultations sought by women this entire week.

The Spirit Of Women Fighting Cancer

To avail this offer, Call or WhatsApp us on +917996579965, or send an Email to cases@onco.com. Male caregivers (friends or family members of a female cancer patient) can also avail this benefit.discount on consultation

Why do Indian Women need Second Opinions on their Cancer Treatment?

Today, women in India face the risk of developing a host of potentially fatal Cancers, such as Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Colorectal Cancer and Lung Cancer among others. According to multiple National Cancer Registries, there is a severe lack of adequate diagnostic and treatment facilities for these Cancers in non-metropolitan cities. As a result, many Cancer cases remain undiagnosed until a very late stage, and those that do get detected early, are often treated with inadequate medical infrastructure.

Dr Amit Jotwani (Sr Oncologist, MD and Co-Founder at Onco.com) wrote an article about theimportance of early detection and correct treatment for Breast Cancer, at a time when it overtook Cervical Cancer as the leading cause of Cancer mortality in Indian women.

“Early detection followed by treatment as per the latest scientific protocols is the best way to prevent breast-cancer deaths”
-Dr Amit Jotwani (MD, Sr Oncologist, Co-Founder, Onco.com)

Cancer needs the Right treatment at the Right time.

Cancer is a complex disease, and each patient’s Cancer journey is unique. With a very limited range of Cancer treatment procedures available in India, coupled with a significant gap in education about its symptoms, new therapies and treatment outcomes, many Indian women are subjected to misdiagnosis, mistreatment, incorrect medication, incomplete treatment and unnecessary procedures.

In this article about the status of Female Sanitation & Cervical Cancer, one of our female employees has stressed on the dire need to stop the unnecessary practice of indiscriminately removing Uteruses out of the fear of developing Cancer.



There is No Scope for Incorrect Treatment in Cancer.

Truth be told, Cancer cannot and should not be treated as any other complex disease, because every step in a patient’s Cancer treatment journey is crucial towards determining the outcome of that treatment. Not every patient needs Chemotherapy, not every case of tumors can be solved surgically, not every Leukemia patient needs a Stem Cell Transplant. The world of Cancer treatments has evolved globally. Indian women need access to this evolution, and the fastest way of getting that access, is by getting connected with the right and most relevant doctors for their Cancer cases.

The right step for any Cancer patient in today’s day and age, is to get an accurate, qualified and unbiasedSecond Opinion from an expert oncologist.

We therefore urge you; If you are a Cancer patient, or know someone who is suffering from Cancer – Please get a qualified second opinion as early as possible!

You can call us at +917996579965 to learn more about our second opinion offerings, and the special discount offer for female Cancer patients that we are running this week.

Thanks for reading!


Start your cancer case today

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