नए कोरोनावायरस (COVID-19) का हालिया प्रकोप और संक्रमण जिस दर पर फैल रहा है, वह…
Cancer Awareness
Generally, vaccines are used to protect from the viruses that cause cancer. Sometimes, they are also used in treating cancer itself. Learn about the types of cancer vaccines, dosage, schedule and limitations
Learning about a cancer diagnosis is hard, and so is informing those around us about it. Here are a few things to bear in mind as someone facing this difficulty
Onco.com experts provide answers to some important questions cancer patients are asking about coronavirus
What is chemotherapy? When is chemotherapy used, what is the procedure, long term and short term side-effects, and how to prepare for it?
Know about the most common type of cervical cancer, cervical squamous cell carcinoma – its symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and more.
Retinoblastoma is a type of childhood cancer that starts in the back portion of the…
Diseases such as lung cancer and their treatments can take a toll on mental and…
February 4 is World Cancer Day, and we are on a mission to get India stand up and speak up against cancer
Understanding the risk factors of cervical cancer will help you to take necessary steps to stay away from it, and also help detect and treat the cancer early.