Myths Surrounding Coronavirus and Cancer

by Team Onco

Due to a lot of fuss and panic around the new coronavirus disease, there is a lot of information passed on widely through online and social media. Most of such information is not supported by scientific evidence, and hence, it is imperative to understand whether the information we are hearing is factual, or a myth.

Cancer patients are at an increased risk of COVID-19 due to a weaker immunity caused by cancer treatment. The families and caregivers of the patients are advised to follow the preventive measures against COVID-19, and know the right information about the pandemic, helping your ward as well as you to stay protected.

Guide to managing your cancer treatment during this COVID-19 lockdown


Below are some myths and facts surrounding COVID-19 and cancer, as per the World Health Organisation (WHO) advisory – 


#1. Only older people are affected by coronavirus 

People who are above 60 years of age, might have pre-existing conditions like diabetes are heart disease or diabetes, making their immune system weak. They are at a higher risk of getting complications from a coronavirus infection, and young people can also be infected but we the rate of fatal complications is less for younder individuals..

It is important to note that COVID-19 is highly contagious, and can spread easily from person to person if contracted. Sufficient preventive measures against the coronavirus disease should hence be followed to ensure the safety for you, your loved ones, and those around you.

If you or have a family member who is greater than 60 years of age, and or has compromised health with conditions like cancer, more stringent measures are to be followed.


#2. Spraying alcohol or chlorine on the body kills the coronavirus

Though alcohol and chlorine and chlorine are used as disinfectants, spraying them on your body will not kill the coronavirus. In fact, these can cause damage to your body. Sanitising the hands is advised as we tend to touch our face often, after touching the common surfaces, which may pose a risk of contracting the virus infection.


#3. Garlic prevents the coronavirus infection

Garlic has numerous health benefits including some antimicrobial properties, that can help you stay in good health. But, there is no evidence that it can prevent or control the coronavirus infection.


#4. Coronavirus cannot survive in cold weather

There is no evidence that shows the coronavirus’s inability to survive in cold weather. Coronavirus can be transmitted in all areas, including hot and humid weather.


#5. Taking antibiotics will help prevent the coronavirus infection

Antibiotics are used in treating or controlling bacterial infections and are not effective against viruses. They should not be used as a preventive or treating medication for coronavirus disease.



#6. Cow urine can be effective against the coronavirus

There is no scientific evidence that supports the consumption of cow urine to prevent the coronavirus infection.


#7. Thermal scanners can detect the coronavirus disease

Thermal scanners are used in detecting the skin temperature only, where elevated body temperature is one of the symptoms of the coronavirus disease. It is not used as a standard tool for screening of COVID-19.


#8. Coronavirus infection is transmitted by mosquito bites

There is no evidence to prove the transmission of virus through mosquitoes. 


#9. Vaccines against pneumonia are effective against the coronavirus 

Vaccines against pneumonia or influenza do not provide any protection against the coronavirus. Researchers are currently studying the properties of the novel coronavirus and a vaccine against it is still under research.


#10. Exposure to heat can kill the coronavirus

There is no evidence that using materials like the hand dryers or taking hot baths can kill or prevent the coronavirus.


There are many more such rumours or myths surrounding COVID-19 and it is important for us to stay informed on the right information. Especially if you or your loved one is managing cancer and treatment, you may have various concerns during this lockdown period.

Here are some guides that may help you during this time –
Navigating your cancer treatment during the COVID-19 lockdown
Guide for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers during COVID-19
Frequently asked questions about managing the cancer treatment during COVID-19


For any concerns you may have regarding cancer treatment, diagnosis or screening during this COVID-19 lockdown, feel free to reach us at +91 79965 79965 and our care managers would be happy to help.



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