Onco Impact

Onco.com helped my father through Oral cancer when I could not be with him

Caregiver Hassan shares how he managed his father’s oral cancer treatment during this pandemic.

This pandemic has been a tough time for us. I live in Australia, while my father lives in Hyderabad, India. When we found out he has oral cancer, the travel restrictions were on and I could not fly down to see him. My wife was also in the final trimester of her pregnancy and I could not leave her alone in Australia. 

I was totally confused about how to proceed with his treatment. The doctors told us not to delay treatment as the cancer will spread further. Already, my father could not open his mouth properly due to the tumour and he was unable to eat properly or even speak. But there was no one near my father to do anything with regards to his treatment. 

I found Onco.com on the Internet and decided to try their services. They found me the right oncologist for my father, booked all the required tests and completed all the procedures at the hospital. They helped us understand each part of the treatment and prepared us in advance. 

I completely trusted them with every decision. They managed everything without any problems.

I remember at one point, I had told my care manager that I cannot understand the surgery that my father was undergoing. She made a PowerPoint presentation for me to help me understand the entire procedure. It was really going out of the way to help resolve my doubts. 

I would really recommend Onco.com to anyone going through cancer. As family members, we really need this help and support.

how I got help for cancerhow I got help for cancer

*images are for illustrative purposes only

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