During weekends, Shreshtha meets her friends, goes for movie dates with her husband, and often plans the family vacations.
What happens when, on a day as regular as any other, you happen to notice a lump in your breast? In June 2019, Shreshtha noticed the lump. Her initial reaction was one we can all identify with. “Surely, this lump can’t be THAT lump.” After all, she was only 32. “Doesn’t breast cancer happen to older women?” We refuse to take it seriously. We procrastinate. We convince ourselves that it will go away. But it doesn’t go away, and in her case, it persisted even after three months. The lump felt bigger with time. It became harder to ignore or to dismiss it off as something unimportant.
Subsequently, Shreshtha mentioned about the lump to her husband. He immediately suggested they visit a doctor. And so, after being in a state of denial for three months, she finally visited the doctor in September 2019. The doctor suggested a sono-mammogram. The report arrived – it said ‘malignant tumour’. There were still some traces of denial left in her mind. Maybe the report was incorrect. But an oncologist was to be consulted. The inevitability of the diagnosis was to be eventually faced. The process then began – treatment was to be initiated, the family was to be informed, colleagues were to be notified. The financial repercussions of an expensive cancer treatment was to be discussed. Suddenly, everything had changed.
Prior to cancer
A day before her surgery, Shreshtha was packing her bag for her hospital stay. She didn’t really want to go, but she knew she must. She was bracing herself for a surgery. She tried to hold back the tears. She hugged her two-year-old son repeatedly. Her husband tried to calm her nerves. The situation, overwhelming as it was, had to be faced.
Post-surgery & Prior to the start of chemotherapy
Cancer is like an uninvited guest. We don’t know why it decided to visit us and how long it will stay with us. But for as long as we are forced to share our space with it, we might as well make the experience as pleasant as possible.
Shreshtha made a few wise decisions in her journey that provide a valuable lesson to those in a similar path.
Shreshtha found a way to share her cancer experience with others, like yourself, by blogging about it. These blogs are also a kind of self-initiated therapy. You can read her story, in her own words, here. Come, join her journey by sharing her blog with others who will find it useful. This chain of positivity might reach someone who really needs it today.
To follow Shreshtha’s journey, you can read her blog here
కీమోథెరపీ కోసం క్యాన్సర్ రోగులు ఎలాంటి దుస్తులు ధరించాలో తెలుసా? ఈ ఆర్టికల్లో, క్యాన్సర్ రోగులకు కీమోథెరపీని సౌకర్యవంతంగా పొందడంలో సహాయపడే దుస్తుల జాబితాను అందించాము.
ఈ కథనం మీ క్యాన్సర్ రకానికి సరైన క్యాన్సర్ వైద్యుడిని కనుగొనడానికి 6-దశల గైడ్ను వివరిస్తుంది.
तंबाकू का सेवन गुटका, जर्दा, पैन मसाला आदि के रूप में करना सिर और गले के कैंसर का मुख्य कारण…
నోటి పుండ్లతో బాధపడుతున్న క్యాన్సర్ రోగులకు క్యాన్సర్ చికిత్సలో ఉన్నప్పుడు తీసుకోవాల్సిన 12 ఉత్తమ ఆహారాలు.
క్యాన్సర్కు కారణమయ్యే 6 జీవనశైలి కారకాలు గురించి ఈ కథనంలో వివరంగా ఇవ్వబడ్డాయి. అవి ఏమిటో తెలుసుకోండి!
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