Throat Cancer Preventive Measures

How to prevent throat cancer?

In purely medical terms, there is no guaranteed way to prevent throat cancer, since it can be a result of inherited genetic mutations, or due to bodily reactions towards uncontrollable environmental stimuli. However, certain lifestyle-related risks have been observed by the doctors, and people are advised to follow these strategies to reduce their risk of developing throat cancer.

Male throat cancer patient in pain

Quit smoking

Smoking is a major risk factor for cancers that originate in the throat. Nicotine is a strong carcinogen, and smokers are advised to quit smoking.

Reduce alcohol consumption

According to the 2018 ASCO convention, it has been observed that men should limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks (60ml) a day, and women should limit their alcohol intake to one drink (30ml) a day to keep their cancer risk at the minimum.

The combined use of smoking and alcohol increases the risk of multifold. For best results, people are advised to stop consuming alcohol and stop smoking altogether.

Eat healthily

Maintaining healthy dietary habits is directly linked to a lower risk of cancer. For best results in the prevention of throat cancer, people should switch to a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. Excessive sodium and fat consumption should be avoided.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being on the lower-medium range of one’s BMI (body mass index) goes a long way in equipping the body to fight cancerous mutations. A combination of healthy eating habits & exercise should be used to maintain a healthy weight and reduce cancer risk.

Moderate-to-intense physical activity

People are advised to engage in about 150 minutes of intense physical activity every week, included but not limited to sprinting, jogging, cycling, or swimming. This keeps the immune system and metabolism functions of the body at peak functionality and helps in fighting cancer risk.

Reduce HPV risk

Seen as a special risk in developing nations and low-income countries, the transmission of the human papillomavirus (HPV) due to multiple sexual partners, unsafe sexual practices, etc – also contributes to throat cancer risk. Adopting safe sex practices is an advisable move in the prevention of throat cancer.

Aside from this, HPV infections are quite predominant in the United States and are linked to nearly 70% of all cases of oropharyngeal cancer.

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