Hospice care and family support for stomach cancer

Recovery from cancer is not always possible. If the cancer cannot be cured or controlled, the disease may be called advanced or terminal.

Support for Stomach Cancer Patients

While diagnosis can be stressful, it is important for patients to reach out and get support from communities and healthcare professionals. Open and honest conversations with your doctor and health care team to express your feelings, preferences, and concerns. Their special skills, experience, and knowledge can support patients and their families. Making sure a person is physically comfortable and free from pain is essential to living a fulfilling life.

Furthermore, social workers can arrange:

  • home helps to help with shopping or housework
  • home care assistants for washing and dressing
  • meals on wheels
  • respite care

Read more on treatment for recurrent stomach cancer.

Patients who have been diagnosed as terminally ill may want to consider a type of palliative care called hospice care. Hospice care is designed to provide the best possible quality of life for people who are near the end of life. You and your family are encouraged to talk with the health care team about hospice care options, which include hospice care at home, a special hospice center, or other health care locations. Nursing care and special equipment can make staying at home a workable option for many families. Local cancer support groups often offer practical help. And they are a good source of information about services in your area. Ask your doctor or nurse about local groups for stomach cancer.

Palliative treatments are used to ease pain, improve quality of life and at times, prolong life when full recovery from gastric cancer is not possible. Johns Hopkins is a leader in palliative care and provides avenues for spiritual and emotional counseling as well as medical treatments as part of its approach.

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