Prostate Cancer

Drugs Used For Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. Read more about prostate cancer here.

Picture of a prostrate cancer vaccinePicture of a prostrate cancer vaccine

Prostate cancer can be treated using chemotherapeutic drugs alone, or by the usage of those drugs along with other treatments. These drugs are taken orally or intravenously. The following are the drugs approved for prostate cancer:

Abiraterone Acetate:

This drug is prescribed in combination with prednisone to treat metastasized and high-risk prostate cancer. It is particularly recommended for patients who are castration resistant and castration sensitive.


Apalutamide is used to treat localised prostate cancer, particularly to those patients who are castration resistant but without metastasis.


This drug is approved to treat metastasized prostate cancer, and is often given along with hormone therapy.


This drug is prescribed for the treatment of metastasized prostate cancer to patients who are castration resistant and to those who have already been treated with chemotherapy.
It is often recommended to take along with prednisone.


This drug is recommended as an androgen suppression therapy for localised and advanced prostate cancer.


Docetaxel drug is approved to be used alone or in combination with other drugs to cure metastasized prostate cancer which has not shown successful results to hormone therapy.

Leuprolide Acetate:

This drug is recommended as an androgen suppression therapy for localised and advanced prostate cancer.This drug is used as a part of the palliative care to relieve the patients from the symptoms of prostate cancer.


This drug is approved to treat prostate cancer that is castration resistant.


This drug is approved for all types of prostate cancer. It is often given in combination with luteinizing, a hormone-releasing agonist.

Goserelin acetate:

Goserelin acetate is approved to treat localised prostate cancer along with radiotherapy. It is used as a part of palliative care also.

Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride:

This drug is approved to be used as a part of palliative care in curing advanced stages of prostate cancer that does not respond to hormone therapy.


This drug is used in treating metastasized prostate cancer to patients who have undergone orchiectomy.


This drug is used in the treatment of metastasized prostate cancer. It is also recommended to patients who have shown no symptoms of the cancer or those who have shown no progressive result for hormone therapy.

Radium 223 dichloride:

This drug is approved to be used in treating prostate cancer that is castration resistant. It is also recommended to patients who have cancer that has metastasized to the bones and is causing symptoms of spreading to other parts of the body as well.

Read more about chemotherapy for prostate cancer here.

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