Ovarian Cancer

Survival Rates for Ovarian Cancer Patients

Survival rates indicate what percentage of people of the same age and stage of cancer survive after initial diagnosis. Ovarian cancer survival rates cannot serve as an indicator of how long the patient will live. But it may help the patient in understanding if the treatment will be successful or not.

What is a five-year survival rate?

The five-year survival rate is the percentage of people who live for five years after diagnosis. A 5-year survival rate of 90% means 90 out of 100 people can live for five years after diagnosis.

The survival rate of ovarian cancer patients by stage and type of cancer

Furthermore, studies have shown that women younger than the age of 65 who have been diagnosed early with ovarian cancer have a better chance of survival. Also, studies show that patients who have stage 1 cancer have better survival rates. 

Survival rates for the different types of ovarian cancer

Epithelial ovarian cancer. The five-year relative survival rate for patients diagnosed at stage 1 with epithelial ovarian cancer is 78%, stage 2 is 61%, stage 3 is 28%, stage 4 is 19%.

Ovarian stromal tumors. The five-year relative survival rate for patients diagnosed with ovarian stromal tumors at stage 1 is 99%, stage 2 is 79%, stage 3is 63%, and stage 4 is 36%.

Ovarian germ cell tumors. Also, the five-year relative survival rate for patients diagnosed at stage 1 with ovarian germ cell tumor is 98%, stage 2 is 90%, stage 3 is 87% and stage 4 is 64%.

Fallopian tube carcinoma. Furthermore, the five-year relative survival rate for patients diagnosed with fallopian tube carcinoma at stage 1 is 93%. Stage 2 is 87%. Stage 3 is 50% and stage 4 is 30%.

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